2024年4月,美国宣布.S. 国务院 published a proposal to increase the fees for DDTC registration and renewal. 这是16年来首次提出增加税收, 尽管最终决定可能需要几个月的时间, LOL外围下注有理由认为,政府会批准某种形式的加薪.

对于一些实体来说,任何这种增加的成本都可以忽略不计. 但对其他人来说,这将是巨大的.

在美国的任何企业或个人.S. 谁制造, exports or temporarily imports defense articles or defense services subject to the ITAR is required to register every year with the Directorate of 国防贸易管制 (DDTC). 根据国务院的说法, DDTC接收约38个,出口许可证申请数量从每年的大约14个减少到每年的1000个,000个注册实体.


适用于: 目前的费用 提出了费用 增加
Tier 1 New registrants; and renewals for entities that didn’t obtain any licenses in the prior year (看到细节) $2,250 $3,000 33%
Tier 2 Renewals for entities with 5 or fewer (was 10 or fewer) licenses in the prior year $2,750 $4,000 45%
Tier 3 Renewals for entities with more than 5 (was more than 10) licenses in the prior year 2750美元+前10个许可证后每个许可证250美元 $4,000 +每个许可证$1,100看到细节) 因许可数量而异

根据提案, “The [State] Department has concluded that Tier 3 registrants have benefited the most from DDTC’s improvements, 特别是DECCS和客户服务的改进, they are best positioned to contribute from their export-derived revenue to continue and improve DDTC’s services. Because these improvements would primarily benefit Tier 3 registrants, 正是这些注册人将被要求贡献更多.”

The proposal is subject to a public comment period, ending June 10, 2024. Consideration may be given to comments received later but is not guaranteed.


While we’re on the topic, here’s some background on what the registration is all about.


英雄联盟外围下注DDTC注册的规则包含在 ITAR第122部分,其中说:

注册主要是一种手段,以提供美国.S. Government with necessary information on who is involved in certain manufacturing and exporting activities. 注册不授予任何出口权利或特权. It is generally a precondition to the issuance of any license or other approval.

登记 is sometimes incorrectly understood to be some kind of government certification or approval of an organization’s exporting competency. 类似的, some companies may require potential vendors to register with DDTC before submitting a proposal or bid. But that’s their own policy; it’s not part of the regulation.

登记 is nothing more or less than a requirement to inform the government if you’re in the United States and involved in any of the following activities:

  • 导出 S. 弹药列表 (USML);
  • Temporarily importing anything to the United States that’s on the USML;
  • Manufacturing anything in the United States that’s on the USML – even if you don’t export it;

ITAR第129部分 contains a separate, though similar, registration rule for those engaged in brokering activities. Notably, brokering registration is the only ITAR registration requirement which may apply to people located outside the U.S.

有一个 豁免的简要清单 从要求到注册. But unregistered parties aren’t normally able to apply for export licenses or any other approval from DDTC, so the exemptions are really only relevant as long as an entity has no need to interact with DDTC.

The registration rule has at least one common source of confusion: It fails to define “manufacturing.“如果一家公司专门从事增值流程, 如热处理或电镀或机械加工, does it need to register if it occasionally handles items on the USML? 答案还不清楚.



登记 takes place through the Defense Export Control and Compliance System (DECCS) – the online portal for working with DDTC.

登记表, DS-2032, is extensive; it seeks information about the company’s ownership, officers and the details about whatever activities triggered the need to register. Large companies are expected to roll up all activities of their divisions and subsidiaries into a single registration, 同时确认他们所有从事国防贸易的分支机构.

DDTC reviews the registration and may follow up with requests for further information. 一旦注册被接受, the applicant pays the appropriate fee and receives a registration number to use in any future communications.

Most companies absorb the registration fee as a cost of doing business, while others attempt to pass it along to customers in the form of export processing fees. 外资所有权并不是注册的固有障碍, 但必须在申请中披露.

一旦实体成功注册, 可以开始申请出口和其他类型的许可证.


登记 must be renewed every year, with fees based on the previous year’s activity. 所以一旦一个实体有理由在DDTC注册, 它应该建立一个基础设施来维护注册.

If there are material changes to information provided in the registration, 应该在五天内报告给DDTC. 这是一个很难达到的标准.. The annual registration renewal would seem the appropriate time to update such information, but any effective export compliance program should include attention to the notification requirement.

重大变化——比如合并, acquisitions and divestments – must be managed carefully with respect to DDTC registration.

如果一个注册实体被购买或进行收购, 它需要更新它的注册. If both companies are registered, those filings need to be consolidated into a single registration. Any existing export licenses don’t automatically carry through such transactions; a request must be made to transfer them.

如果注册实体变更为外国控制, notification must be provided 60 days before the transaction closes—also a difficult standard to meet in many circumstances. Whether that change will affect the status of any existing export licenses is a question that will only be addressed after the notification is provided.

涉及外国控制的交易也可由财政部审查 美国外国投资委员会 (CFIUS) to determine if and how the transaction may affect national security. DDTC与CFIUS保持联系.

所描述的 The 纽约时报 as a “秘密的机构间小组,” it was CFIUS that was called on in early 2024 to review whether Nippon Steel of Japan would be allowed to acquire U.S. Steel. That review – relevant to national security conversation but not specifically to the ITAR – was still ongoing at the time of this post.

寻找英雄联盟外围下注这个主题的更多细节? See ECTI的点播网络研讨会 《LOL外围下注》 & 豁免.”


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斯科特Gearity 是ECTI公司的总裁.
